Why not join now?
Membership of ACIS is now open to everyone with an interest in colloid and interfacial science. We aim to be totally inclusive and membership includes but is not limited to scientists, engineers, industry professionals, students, teachers and members of the public.
The following membership categories are available:
Student Members must be enrolled in a recognised tertiary institution.
Why be a member of ACIS?
The Australasian Colloid and Interface Society (ACIS) is the premier organization to promote colloid and interface science in Australasia. Contributing to the strength of ACIS is its community of members. As an identifiable organization, ACIS can be called upon to provide expert commentary about relevant scientific matters and can act as an advocate.
Engaging as a member of a scientific society has individual benefits too;
· reduced conference registration ratesEnrich your scientific career and become an ACIS member today. Why not encourage a colleague to join too?