Brian Vincent Travel Award
The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) / the Society of Chemical Industry (SCI) Joint Colloids Committee and the Australasian Colloid and Interface Society (ACIS) Brian Vincent Travel Award
Proposed guidelines
Purpose: to subsidise travel by RSC / SCI members to attend an ACIS organised conference and by ACIS members to travel to the UK to attend a Joint Colloids Committee event. Event information can be found on SCI - Colloid and Surface Chemistry Group ( and Australasian Colloids and Interface Society - ACIS Events Overview (
Value: from the UK to Australia a £ 1500 contribution for travel and accommodation. 50 % to be paid up front once member has been accepted and the remaining 50 % on receipt of a conference report for the newsletter / website along with proof of travel. The prize does not cover conference registration fees.
From Australia to the UK a £ 1500 equivalent contribution for travel and accommodation.
When to apply: RSC / SCI members should apply in H1 of odd years for a conference in Australia in following 12 months. ACIS members should apply in Q2 of odd years for an RSC / SCI conference in the UK in the following 12 months. For more information on dates visit our award websites SCI Awards ( and Awards (
Applicants should include a clear and concise one-page proposal on why they should be given this award.
Judging panels:
For the RSC / SCI award, the judging panel will consist of the awards officer and the committee of the Joint Colloids Group.
For the ACIS award, the judging panel will consist of the Awards Chair and awards committee.
This travel bursary is aimed at early career members of either group i.e. postgraduates and post-doctoral researchers or recently appointed academic or industry-based members.
The application must be made within five years of undergraduate degree conferral, with career interruptions (such as for illness, caring or parenting responsibilities, etc.) taken into consideration by the RSC/SCI or ACIS awards committee when determining eligibility.
The applicant must be a current financial member of RSC/SCI or ACIS at the time of application.
The applicant shall submit a 1-page report to the chair of the awards committee within one month of completion of their travel. The report will be published in the SCI/ACIS newsletter and may be modified to suit the format.
To apply or to obtain more information, please contact Dr Craig Fairgrieve, who is the awards officer for the Joint Colloids committee ( & Assoc. Prof. Jitendra Mata Chair of the Awards Committee of ACIS (
Information required from the Applicant.
Please submit a single pdf document containing following information,
1. Applicant’s full name, contact details including email address, and parent institute details,
2. Applicant’s date of undergraduate degree conferral (must be after 1 September 2019 except in the case of career interruptions as described here if required)
3. Confirmation of Applicant’s RSC/SCI or ACIS membership status
4. One page proposal highlighting what benefit the member will gain by receiving this award for the desired conference
5. Letter of support from the applicant's line manager/supervisor confirming that the funds are available for registration fee and other expenses