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Dear Esteemed Members,
Welcome to our 30th issue of ACIS News! We produce a quarterly newsletter - sent around in February, May, August, and November (approximately) - to keep the wonderful members of ACIS informed of our initiatives and for members to directly communicate with our Society. We publish job announcements, meetings of interests to our society, career development opportunities, any exciting research that you would like to share with us and much more. To everyone up to date with the on-goings in our colloids society, please send your suggestions and items for the next newsletter to or Stuart Brown at
President’s Corner
After the buzz of meeting in person at IACIS2022 in Brisbane in July, the Board has been approached with an offer to run the next student conference: 34ACSSSC in early 2023. Following the need to take the last student conference online at the last moment we have decided to prioritise the next conference of ACIS to be the next student conference so that our current research students get to enjoy at least one colloid student conference in person. By way of risk mitigation we have landed on a Melbourne-based event with accommodation to be booked personally by delegates.
So please - SAVE THE DATE: 34ACSSSC to be held at RMIT University from 1-3 February 2023 with a pre-conference workshop on 31 January.
We hope to have details available on the ACIS website soon. The ACIS AGM will also be held during this meeting. Very much hoping to see many of you there.
Erica Wanless (President)
ACIS Web Presence Update
ACIS is excited to announce its new updated web domain and Twitter handle which are not only cohesive across both platforms, they are also more inclusive of our New Zealand members.
Web domain:
We are also in the process of getting our LinkedIn Group back up and running so stay tuned for regular news, updates and opportunities.
Please update your bookmarks, follow us on Twitter and join the LinkedIn group to be kept well informed of all ACIS happenings!
After many years of planning, a global pandemic, and a postponement of one year, IACIS 2022 was a great success from 26-30 June 2022 in Brisbane. Run for the first time as a hybrid event, over 340 delegates from 28 countries attended the meeting, with 250 of those in person and the rest as virtual delegates. The hybrid format ran very smoothly, despite the extra challenges involved, with the assistance of staff from the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre and the conference organisers. Although the numbers were reduced by the lingering effects of the pandemic, there was a very positive feeling of relief and excitement amongst the delegates about being able to get together with colleagues and friends once again after all the lockdowns and interruptions of COVID.
The quality of the plenary, keynote and contributed talks was excellent as usual for IACIS meetings, showing that colloid and interface science continues to go from strength to strength. We thank the members of the Local Organising Committee and everyone who attended for their support and look forward to the 18th IACIS meeting in Canada in 2025.
Ian Gentle and Greg Warr, IACIS 2022 co-chairs
Sailing Science Opportunity
Khay Fong (University of Newcastle) and the team at the Sail and Explore Association are running a citizen science trip in the Whitsundays to find colloidal scale microplastics in the Great Barrier Reef marine park. You can choose to participate for one or two weeks on this fantastic trip in November, you'll sail and learn about the impact of plastic pollution in the ocean. Come join us:
Equity and Diversity Corner
Committee members: Frank Sainsbury, Livia Salvati Manni, Jiali (Maggie) Zhai, Saffron Bryant, Aaron Elbourne, Stephanie MacWilliams, Zo Shaw
The ACIS Equity and Diversity committee is pleased to bring you the ACIS Membership Survey 2022. As part of our mission, we conduct a regular survey of our membership and this year's survey aims to update our understanding of the diversity of our membership, and begin to ask what we can do better.
Your time to complete this survey is greatly appreciated and will help us continue to ensure that the diverse ACIS community is equitable and inclusive. It should take only about 5 minutes to complete the survey. It is completely confidential, and we will only be reporting on aggregated responses.
Please complete the survey here:
ATA Scientific: Continuous Real-Time In-Process Nanoparticle Size Characterization
ATA Scientific is pleased to announce we have entered a new partnership with InProcess-LSP, innovators of a new inline nanoparticle sizer.
InProcess-LSP and ATA Scientific Pty Ltd are pleased to announce they have entered into a partnership, combining ATA’s Analytical Instrument expertise in Australia and New Zealand with InProcess’s world class and ground-breaking nanoparticle sizing technology delivering unique solutions for the particle characterisation markets.
Currently, nanoparticle size is determined through ubiquitous offline methods like Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS). Samples taken from ongoing processes are usually high concentration nanosuspensions which require dilution prior to analysis. Consequently, these offline measurements can cause production delays and require laborious, expensive, complex, and error-prone sample handling.
The NanoFlowSizer offers a non-invasive, online approach that can measure particle size distributions (PSDs) of undiluted, highly turbid nanosuspensions, in process and in flow. This novel process analytical tool is based on spatially resolved dynamic light scattering technology (SR-DLS). The spatial resolution allows automated selection of information-rich single scattered light from strongly scattering turbid nanosuspensions. NanoFlowSizer can continuously monitor particle formation and determine the size and polydispersity index (PDI) at any point during particle synthesis. Importantly, using the NanoFlowSizer, the quality, purity and particle size characteristics can be quickly monitored (every 10 seconds) allowing for in-depth interpretation, understanding and continuous improvement of processes. Able to be installed for inline, online and offline operation, the NanoFlowSizer offers several benefits in Nanoparticle research and development, industrial processing, and quality control environments.
Join our Awards, Communications, Conferences and Events Committees
ACIS needs its members to be actively engaged. Please let us know if you would like to be involved in the committees that will run the activities of the Society: Awards; Communications; Conferences and Events. Or if you would like to propose other activities we should be running. We especially invite students and early-career researchers to become involved. Please email your interest to
Visiting Scientist Register
Are you planning to host a visit by an outstanding scientist in the colloid and interface field? Why not let ACIS members know about the visit? We aim to keep track of visiting scientists, to facilitate their introduction to the Australasian scientific community. Please email details of the visit to
ACIS Membership
Please encourage your colleagues, students and industrial partners working in the field of colloids and interface to join us. General membership is $100 per annum. The membership year is from 1st March each year. Memberships paid after this date are valid until 28th February of the following year. More information is available on our website
Use Our LinkedIn Group to Tell People Your News
ACIS is now present on LinkedIn. Please join our LinkedIn group and post discussion items on job ads, conference calls, and interesting facts about the wonderful world of colloid and surface science.
Or Tag your Friends and Colleagues
Share your next big breakthrough, job opportunity or beautiful science with the ACIS community by using
The Newsletter team signing off,
Christine Browne –
Stuart Brown –